If you require an extensive library of templates, you may consider signing up for our Pro subscription, which we fondly refer to as ‘Pro’ membership.
When you upgrade to a Pro account, you’ll enjoy a world of benefits, including access to our entire collection of Premium templates, and we’ve sprinkled in some extra perks for you:
It’s a premium experience tailored to make your journey with us even more enjoyable!
Currently, we exclusively offer PayPal as our payment platform, providing you with the convenience of using your credit or debit card for online transactions. Unfortunately, we do not accept any alternative payment methods at this time.
Rest assured, our website utilizes the secure PayPal platform, renowned for its commitment to safety and security.
Rest assured, your credit or debit card details are completely secure. They are exclusively accessible by you, and TinyPPT neither stores nor has any access to this sensitive information. Our payment process, conducted through PayPal, is designed to ensure the utmost security.
You can choose to cancel your subscription; however, our refund policy will be enforced.
Beyond these time frames, refund requests will not be accommodated.
No, it won’t. Our subscription is designed for manual renewal only, and there is no automatic renewal feature in place.
Opting for an upgrade from a 30-day Package to a Unlimited (365-day) Package will incur an additional cost, which will be determined based on the initial subscription. Please note that downgrading is not currently an available option.
To request an invoice, you can conveniently access your billing information on your “Orders” tab located within your account page.
Should you decide to open a dispute with PayPal in relation to a payment associated with TinyPPT, as part of our security measures, we will temporarily deactivate your subscription until the dispute or claim is fully resolved.
In the event that the dispute is ultimately settled in your favor, you can expect a refund for the amount in question, and your subscription will be canceled. However, if the resolution does not favor you, your subscription will be reactivated and will continue until the end of the billing cycle for which you’ve already made a payment.